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Punctum News Agency

Punctum focusing on geopolitics, economy, military, science and culture.
Our aim is synthesis of information and distribution to our customers as executable value instead of basic information. Value provided have intend to provide decision making support.


What is executable value? Information as raw is semi-useful if is not combined with other information, and dynamic changes in the world will not be very useful. Selected information can be even danger if is not combine by supportive data. What we do? We synthesis information to get most of value and every information comes with relevant multilevel data (information). All process is based on thesis – antithesis = synthesis derived data is than processed by expert systems and models.

We like to share the basic definition of information:

Information (Wikipedia) Information can be thought of as the resolution of uncertainty; it is that which answers the question of "What an entity is" and thus defines both its essence and nature of its characteristics. The concept of information has different meanings in different contexts. Thus the concept becomes related to notions of constraint, communication, control, data, form, education, knowledge, meaning, understanding, mental stimuli, pattern, perception, representation, and entropy. Information is associated with data. The difference is that information resolves uncertainty. Data can represent redundant symbols, but approaches information through optimal data compression.

Presented definition highlights how complicated information can be, how many notions it may contain, and how easy is to turn information into misinformation, or if intended to manipulate via “information” – all will be real, but is few data points is missing you not going to get “the big picture”.

World’s run on information this days. In the data jungle it can be hard to find what are you looking for. Overwhelming information environment makes people’s minds closed and cannot process it beyond individual limit. Getting information can be challenge […]

Our Services:

Geopolitical Reports • combination of information on base model: action – reaction. After base model is processed information is combine with key factors like trends and changes. After that processed with smaller factors that may may-not play role in finale outcome.

Nothing is written in stone. Things can turn in unpredictable way – although our aim is to “forecast” future to help with decision process on business and individual level – that the intend of our geopolitical reports.

Factors: geography + politics + economic factors + social factors + risk analysis + trends

Examples: please contact us: subject as: Geopolitical Reports.